AP Calculation

AP = 5+ (((10 * Level + 3 * Agility + 2 * LifeMax + 2 * Dex) + 20) / 40)


AP + GetGearAPBonus (Plus/Minus AP's from gear)


If Current Life < Max Life: AP - (2 * AP * (LifeMax - Life + (Bandaged / 2))) / (3 * LifeMax)


If Breath < 100: AP - (AP *(100 - Current Breath)) / 200;


If weight @ Turn Start > 100: AP = (AP * 100 / Weight Carried @ Turn Start)


If AP < Minimum AP: AP = Minimum

If AP > Maximum AP: AP = Maximum.


AP are further adjusted by drugs and by Claustrophobic and Fear of Insect personalities if applicable.


Source: http://www.ja-galaxy-forum.com